1953-1955 Corvette 6 Cylinder Engine Compartment & Chassis Seal Kit
CAVEAT EMPTOR: Includes 19 pieces made in USA & accurate in details, finish & material.
This DocRebuild Kit includes more accurate parts than any others - A thru M 1953 1954 1955
Be sure to read the Back Story below
A 6 Cylinder Accelerator Rod Firewall Felt Seal
B Heater Hose Firewall Sponge Seals, Pair
C Splash Pan Edge Sponge Rubber Seals, Pair
D Master Cylinder Cap Fiber Gasket
E Inner Steering Column Firewall Sponge Rubber Seal
F Steering Box Cover Plate Fiber Gasket
G Steering Third Arm Bearing Sponge Rubber Seal Pair
H Fuel Tank Anti Squeak Pads, Pair
I Fuel Tank Sender Rubber Seal
J Lower Radiator Rubber Seal
K Battery Terminal Felt Seals, Pair
L Spare Tire Bolt Sponge Rubber Seal
M Jack Cover Rubber Cushion 3 Piece Set
the Back Story
Over three decades ago I assembled these parts into groups, titled them Engine Compartment Seal Kits & packaged them with an instructive schematic showing the contents in a clear 12x18 poly bag. We used Pastel Colored Labels & you can see them hanging up behind me at the real Bloomington in June of 81. There were no prior repros to ours. Its hard to be humble, when so many others claim to sell this same packaging concept as their original one. Zyp the gyp copied this assemblage of parts from me - GM never marketed an Engine Compartment Seal Kit.
Justin Abbott, the Lap Dog of John Wayne Walker & his spawn David Walker have distributed a BIG FAT LIE. I never claimed to have invented these GM parts - I developed the packaging & assemblage of these parts into a kit. The marketing term of Engine Compartment Seal Kit was developed by me. GM only sold these parts individually or not at all, nothing ever assemble into a kit. Zyp is so full of crap, they would need a laxative to come up with an original idea.
PS when I developed these Engine Compartment Seal Kits around 1990 - Justin Abbott was a 15 or 16 year old Sophomore or Junior in High School and as far as I can determine zyp was not a High School in Virginia.