1958-1962 Fuel Injection Air Cleaner 2 Piece Hose Set Repro Of GM 3849811 and 3814969
CAVEAT EMPTOR: This authentic black hose has an asphalt saturated cloth covering & an internal spiral wire support. We purchased this direct from the General's own original supplier, the Ohio Rubber Co. aka ORCO made right in the USA. ORCO is long gone now & we only have a very limited supply. Other sources like zip sell a replacement. Others sell a replacement the wrong length.
pssssssst: for long hose only see 7002120
NOTE: the law of supply and demand at work - the price rises with each sale.
Very Very Verrrry Limited Supply.
ZIP the GYP: when I looked around the internet & saw the inaccurate crap sold by them & other sources I raised my price. If you want the right stuff, we have it. If you want a replacement that also fits poorly call zip. The zip short hose is also toooo long - if you cut it to the proper length - it is almost guaranteed that the fabric covering the wire will start to unravel.
Don't take my word for it - read it here on the Corvette Foramen.
FACT: Our repro includes 2 pieces pre-cut to the exact length of the GM blueprint, not the one piece repro that require trimming into 2 separate pieces before installation. Note: trimming at home cannot replicate the neat uniform factory end treatment & the spiral cloth covering will just serially unwind. That the value of having the GM blueprint for the specs. I don't think the other sources tell you the 2 lengths to cut. Good Luck! Ours is OEM and It's not the plastic dryer hose replacement, nor the tell tale imported rubber parts with a noxious odor. None better. Made in USA. Why settle for smelly foreign rubber replica's?
1958 1959 1960 1961 1962