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When they stink,
I reply & out them

a Karen
Dishonest Ralphie


1959-1962 Corvette Delco Moraine Master Cylinder Housing Genuine GM 5456022

Price: $0.00
Item Number: 4651009

1959-1962 Corvette Delco Moraine Master Cylinder Housing Genuine GM 5456022 Lot 217-9
CAVEAT EMPTOR: A St. Louis assembly line installed original GM master cylinder bare cast iron housing. This sand blasted bare casting should have the bore professionally sleeved. The bore is not pitted; but not shiny smooth. The reservoir is bare, not filled with rust or congealed brake fluid. 1959 1960 1961 1962

4651010 - Lot 217-9
4651012 - Lot 8256
4651014 - Lot 123
4651016 - EIS

IDENTIFICATION: the driver side has the bare cast iron housings raised part number 5456022 with the 022 larger size. Below it is a Lot Number 217-9. Followed by the legend: 1" DIA. and R5. The passengers side has the raised legend: Delco Moraine Products Div Dayton, O. U.S.A. These were not date coded. The front end of the 1" diameter bore terminates in a pressed in Welch Plug stamped with a crisp & legible part number of the completes assembly: 5454480 and 320-G.
NOTE: there is some controversy when the small 022 casting replaced an earlier later large 022 casting. Some say it began usage in the January 1959 production; others say March 1959 production.
GUARANTEE: if this casting cannot be sleeved, we will refund the purchase price.

CAUTION: Do not pressure bleed a master cylinder with a sheet metal Welch plug in the front end of the cast iron housing, (i.e. hint - a 53-62 Corvette Master Cylinder). If you blow that plug out using a pressure bleeder, just throw the master away. Don't even attempt to fix or glue the reservoir. If you do this - you are as dumber than chris richie ncrs #238. Caution: there is a reproduction marketed for #135.00 that Joe Ray says is nice, but will not pass ncrs evaluation. I note on the repo manufacturers web site there is no indication their repro was made in the USA.
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