1964 Corvette Master Cylinder with Standard Brakes Genuine GM 5464264
CAVEAT EMPTOR: Select from an excellent original line bored & sleeved with stainless & rebuilt with a new kit by SSBC to those that have been sand blasted & need a rebuild. The best. This is an original part, not a reproduction or a local auto parts store replacement.
SELECT FROM: click on the date code below -
IDENTIFICATION: the bottom bears the raised part number 5464284 plus a recessed Julian date code. The snout has a raised 7/8 identifying the bore diameter. NOTE: according to Joe Ray the repro is nice, but will not pass ncrs evaluation. I note on the repro manufacturers web site there is no indication their repro was made in the USA.
GUARANTEE: if this casting cannot be sleeved, we will refund the purchase price.
CAUTION: this is for a Corvette because it is 7/8" I.D. rather than 1" I.D. If you see a 1964 with 1" advertised as appropriate for a Corvette - run away - it's for a passenger car & the seller is a lying thief. You can tell because he is not advertising it for a passenger car.