

74 Greenwood 





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When they stink,
I reply & out them

a Karen
Dishonest Ralphie


1965-1966 Corvette Non PB Master Cylinder Bendix Genuine GM 2225032

Price: $100.00
Item Number: 4651049

1965-1966 Corvette Non PB Master Cylinder Bendix Genuine GM 2225032
CAVEAT EMPTOR: A St. Louis assembly line installed original GM master cylinder bare cast iron housing made in the USA. Not reproduction. Not Imported. This sand basted bare casting should have the bore professionally sleeved. The bore is not pitted; but not shiny smooth. The reservoir is bare, not filled with rust or congealed brake fluid.

SELECT FROM: click on date code below

IDENTIFICATION: the bottom bears the recessed characters: a part number 2225032, a B for Bendix, a mold cavity R5 code & a Julian date code of 29 indicating January 29, 1965 or 1966. NOTE: the repo manufacturers web site states they do not bear any date code.
GUARANTEE: if this casting cannot be sleeved, we will refund the purchase price.
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