1968-1982 Corvette Smog Hoses Scam That Is Not A Repro Of GM
CAVEAT EMPTOR: this recent June 2024 NCRS Boston area show and tell entrant caught my eye. This jpeg shows a "restored" LT-1 with Smog Hoses bearing a repeating White GM [] logo. That's both "incorrect" and sad. Note how it matches Heater Hose bearing a repeating White GM [] logo.
Para-gone is responsible for marketing this substitution. They actually advertised that Heater Hose and Smog Hose were the same item - just cut to different lengths. Apparently greed for the Filthy Lucre has over ridden what they surely know was a completely false substitution. They knew better and decided you would not know.
Heater Hose is vastly different that Smog Hose. I have the original GM Blueprints for both of these types of hoses. The material specification for Smog Hose is much different due to the exposure to HIGH temperature exhaust gases it carries. This Smog Hose rubber is exposed to much, much hotter gases and a much more corrosive environment than the 180-240 degree temperature that is found in the fluid in Heater Hose or Radiator Hoses.
This GM [] logo hose sure looks pretty, however this hose will be literally burned from the inside out to rupture. Since these type of ncrs show cars spend much of their travel inside of a trailer, that will prolong their the life span of this inappropriate use of Heater Hose. However if this Corvette was driven regularly each fair weather season for any distance the owner would be in for a shock.
In my 45 years in this market I have seen that the competitive nature of some vendor has sullied their product and reputation. It is simple greed and they market a "shitty" phony product because you will not realize the difference. That phony sob outside of Richmond, VA has the same business ethics.
I doubt that I will discover the owner of this LT-1 or how it measured up to the judging parameters.
Truthfully I have skin in this game. Over 30 years ago I received the GM Blueprints and discovered one of GM original suppliers. However that did not confirm the OEM logos and marking to ID the various Corvette applications. But that was solved by me with the $99 Red Eye flight from NY to Kalifornia to attend George Cross's Pomona Swap Meets. There were Corvette with their Smog Systems intact as required by pollution laws regarding emission. With my camera and notes over several such trips I had everything needed to supply authentic Smog Hoses. On one trip, I ran into Scott Kohn of Corvette Central and he said "what are you doing here?" I told him I was document the factory markings on the Smog Hoses. Since GM only sold 25 foot coils of bulk Smog Hose there was no other way to ID these characteristics other than in Kalifornia. In the other 49 states most Corvette owners removed this system.
DocRebuild reproduction is made in the USA. Includes period authentic markings, length codes & rubber manufacturers codes. Does one car. Ours was & still is the most accurate replica down to the manufacturers identification pattern on the surface as well as the ID, OD, wall thickness, material composition & this is not ordinary heater hose that burns through.
1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982
3675201 - 1968 327 Left, Right & Elbow Hoses Repro Of GM 3917690, 3917688 and 3917648
3675202 - 1968 427 Left & Right Hoses Repro Of GM 3921901 and 3925532
3675203 - 1969 300 or 350 HP; 1970-1972 LT-1 or ZR-1; 1973-1974 190 or 195 or 250 HP
Left & Right Hoses Repro Of GM 3932476 & 3947740
3675204 - 1969 427 390 HP or L-88 Left & Right Repro Of GM 3591358 and 3946007
3675205 - 1969 Tripower 3x2 Left & Right Repro Of GM 3955219 and 3955220
3675206 - 1971 454 425 HP LS-6 or ZR-2 Left & Right Repro Of GM 3951353 and 3999201
3675207 - 1972 454 with LS-5 Smog Hose Left & Right Repro Of GM 3932476 and 3947740
3675208 - 1973 454 with LS-4 Smog Hose Left & Right Repro Of GM 3932476 and 3951458
3675209 - 1974 454 with LS-4 Smog Hose Left & Right Repro Of GM 342713 and 3947740
3675210 - 1975-1976 350 Right Side Repro Of GM 367150
3675211 - 1977-1979 350 Left & Right Set Repro Of GM 454707 and 3947740
3675214 - 1980-1981 Formed Left & Right Repro Of GM 14020681 and 1402682
3675218 - 1980 Formed Smog Elbow Hose Diverter To Filter GM 14023115
FACT: This quality DocRebuild manufactured hose matches all the OEM blueprint specifications. (No tell tale noxious odor as found in uncured imported parts.) Note the length's we supply for these hose is one half to one inch longer than that specified on the actual GM blueprint. We allow this for slight variations in restored model.