

74 Greenwood 





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When they stink,
I reply & out them

a Karen
Dishonest Ralphie


1969-1972 Corvette Fender Skirt, Firewall & Lower Baffle Seal 18 Piece Kit

Price: $93.00
Item Number: 1274927

1969-1972 Corvette Fender Skirt, Firewall & Lower Baffle Seal Kit
CAVEAT EMPTOR: includes 18 pieces all made in USA
This DocRebuild Kit not only includes more parts & but parts not available in others
- BCDEGJKMN ... be sure to read the BACK STORY below 

Part #
Save $


CC +++ 313096 94.75
1.75 more expensive 

+++ missing Lower Grill Panel Cross Member Seal and 
                  Steering Box Side Cover Seal

B A-Frame Seals includes18 push in fasteners
C Upper & Lower Fender Skirt Seal 6 Piece Set
D Metal Splash Pan Edge Seals, Pair
E Steering Box Side Cover Seal - missing in other kits
G Bumper Brace Fender Skirt Seals, Pair 
J Lower Grill Front Cross Member Seal 
K Windshield Wiper Motor Firewall Seal
M Steering Column Inner Firewall Seal
N Steering Column Outer Firewall Seals, Pair

1969 1970 1971 1972

In 1985 I was the first to reproduce these GM parts & bring them to market. We packaged them in poly bags with pastel colored labels & developed the marketing concept termed - Corvette Fender Skirt, Firewall & Lower Baffle Seal Kit. At that time there were no other repro's of these. Years later, zip started copying our marketing; everything from our actual illustrations, to our catalog copy, advertising, sales aids as well as reproduction made from our reproduction parts. They even copied errors & used our parts & even our illustrations in phony tech stories in either Vette or Corvette Fever. I had to go Federal court to stop these zip thieves david & john wayne walker. Now their spokesman - justin abbott aka Lap Dog at zip has stated that I claim to have invented these parts. That is a dirty zip lie. My claim is to have assembled these various parts into a marketing concept called - Corvette Fender Skirt, Firewall & Lower Baffle Seal Kit - I never claimed otherwise. They have denigrated me regularly with these dirty lies.

PS In 1985 when I developed this marketing concept - Justin Abbott was about 10 or 11 years old in fourth or fifth grade. He is a phony liar like his boss. Google the definition of lap dog.

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