

74 Greenwood 





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When they stink,
I reply & out them

a Karen
Dishonest Ralphie


1969 Late-1972 Corvette 427 454 Copper Radiator Seal 4 Piece Set Repro Of GM 3966560 and 3966648 and 3966647 and 3954570

Price: $26.50
Item Number: 1274311

1969 Late-1972 Corvette 427 454 Copper Radiator Seal 4 Piece Set Repro Of GM 3966560 and 3966648 and 3966647 and 3954570
CAVEAT EMPTOR: includes upper & lower horizontal seals, plus LH & RH vertical seals with PSA (pressure sensitive adhesive) & pre-punched mounting holes. Late 1969 is after December 17, 68 production date approximately. PIF (push in fasteners) are used with these late seals & therefore there are mounting holes in the rubber. Uses 7 metal PIF (not included). A blueprint accurate quality precision replica. None better, more accurate or less expensive. Made in Bridgeport, CT.

Part #
Save $

zip +++ zs106
3.49 more expensive
CC +++ 313027
4.90 more expensive

+++ a poor copy made from DocRebuild's Blueprint accurate repro except for their price

FACT: We were the first to produce these parts over 30 years ago. There was no prior repro. It was & still is the benchmark for accuracy, because everything since has been a repro made from our repro. Unfortunately, like those copied & copied Assembly Manuals, their results are just as sloppy, not precise and often are just a poor facsimile. 1969 1970 1971 1972 Note: the radiator support in the photo is a generic model not necessarily the one used on this model year.

Around 1984 Mr. Ken May the Director of Warehousing & Distribution for all of General Motors (now retired) provided me with the actual GM Blueprints for Radiator, Fan Shroud & Air Dam Seals. We used these to reproduce these discontinued GM parts. Later we realized that zyp the gyp was ordering these parts wholesale to copy them. Literally making a repro from a DocRebuild repro. Justin Abbot the Lap Dog for David Walker at zyp the gyp has repeatedly stated that I claim invention of these parts. These are dirty liars. I have never claimed to have invented these parts. I have claimed that I was the first to reproduce these parts. And we have the only accurate reproductions. Incidentally Justin Lap Dog Abbott did not even start working at zyp the gyp until a decade after we brought these to the marketplace. Apparently he is a clairvoyant Lap Dog. David Walker claims the high road i.e. silence - that means he cannot dispute the facts. I surreptitiously ordered some of zyp the gyps seals and they are poor imitations not blueprint authentic. They remind me of the Assembly Manuals that have been photocopied over & over. The complex pattern air dams are the worst, and the most visible.

TIP: it you see a zip part number that begins with a Z that is one of their own offerings a zip repro - or rather on my view a re-poop. Unfortunately, for you the consumer there is no knowledge of how these parts were reproduced. zyp the gyp is a money grubbing liar & phony laughing all the way to the bank with your money. But they are so polite. Bernie Madoff was the epitome of politeness running his scam.

1969 1971 1971 1972

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