

74 Greenwood 





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When they stink,
I reply & out them

a Karen
Dishonest Ralphie


1970-1975 Corvette 350 Without AC Heater Hose Set with Printed White Alphabetic Codes & ID Rib Markings Repro Of GM

Price: $62.50
Item Number: 8845254

1970-1975 Corvette 350 Without AC with COPPER RADIATOR Heater Hose Set Repro Of GM
CAVEAT EMPTOR: This is a quality USA manufactured replica that matches the original ID, OD, length, material specs & even the White printed Alphabetic Code legends printed on the surface.  1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975

INCLUDES both Printed Alphabetic Codes & Manufacturers ID Rib Markings on the surface. They include JA JB JC JJ JT HA HE HP HT DA DB DD MA MF QV QQ. Our vendor is also one of the OEM's & listed on those GM blueprint of approved suppliers.
psssst ... Although they look pretty  - there were no GM [] printed on these models - never !

GM Blueprints
This is a quality USA manufactured replica that matches the original ID, OD as well as length & SAE material specs simply because we had that info from the GM Blueprint. Our vendor is one of the OEM's & listed on those GM Blueprint of approved suppliers. Of course they have RMA ID ribs. View More Images (ABOVE) and see some of these heater hose GM Blueprint. What do you think others used? Don't expect them to produce any GM blueprints. I'd bet they referenced zilch, zots, zip. There is no tell tale noxious odor as found in many uncured imported rubber parts.

View More Images (ABOVE) and see the GM heater hose blueprints graciously sent to us by Ken May (retired) the Director of Warehousing & Distribution - for all of GM. That is what we used. What do you think others used? Don't expect them to produce any GM blueprints. I'd bet they referenced zilch, zots, zip. There is no tell tale noxious odor as found in many uncured imported rubber parts.

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