

74 Greenwood 





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When they stink,
I reply & out them

a Karen
Dishonest Ralphie


1971 Corvette 350 Seal Kit for Copper Radiator & Plastic Fan Shroud

Price: $59.00
Item Number: 1274962

1971 Corvette 350 Seal Kit for Copper Radiator & Plastic Fan Shroud
CAVEAT EMPTOR: includes 9 Pieces: 1 radiator to hood air dam seal, 4 radiator support seals & 4 fan shroud seals. All Blueprint Accurate quality precision replica's some with PSA (pressure sensitive adhesive) made in Bridgeport, CT. None better, more accurate or less expensive.

USE: select this kit if you have an automatic transmission (not standard) or if you have Air Conditioning, or both AC & Auto.

Part # List  Save $
Blueprint Accurate
zip +++ ZS317 64.99
5.99 more  expensive

+++ a poor copy made from DocRebuild's Blueprint 
     accurate repro - except for their price

PIF: These seals have pre-punched mounting holes & according to Factory Assembly Manuals "use" metal PIF (push in fasteners) - 9 PIF for his kit. However those used on the rear face of the radiator support are often absent - never were installed. This is simply because all of those seals have PSA - so the PIF's are not only redundant but those seals are held captive between the support & the radiator.
... be sure to read ... the BACK STORYbelow ...

Contents of this kit includes CFI  ...
C 350 Radiator to Hood Air Dam Seal
F Late 350 Radiator Support 4 Piece Seal Set with PSA
I Plastic Fan Shroud 4 Piece Seal Set with PSA

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