1980-1981 Corvette Radiator & Air Dam Seal Kit with L-82, AC or Heavy Duty Radiator
CAVEAT EMPTOR: includes 9 pieces: 5 radiator to hood air dam seals & 4 radiator support seals. All Blueprint Accurate quality precision replica's some with PSA (pressure sensitive adhesive) made in Bridgeport, CT. None better, more accurate or less expensive.
COMPARE EM Vendor | Part # | List | Save $ |
DocR | 1274979 | 35.00 | Blueprint accurate |
zip +++ | ZS335 | 34.99 | .01 less expensive |
CC | | | |
+++ a poor repro made from DocRebuild's Blueprint accurate repro except for the price
PIF: These seals have pre-punched mounting holes & according to Factory Assembly Manuals "use" metal PIF (push in fasteners) - 2 PIF for his kit.
... be sure to read ... the BACK STORY below ...
Contents of this kit includes WY ...
W Radiator Support 4 Piece Seal Set with PSA
Y Air Dam & Duct 5 Piece Seal Set with PSA
LATE 76-82 OWNERS PLEASE READ BEFORE ORDERING The main determining factor in selecting these Late 76-82 kits is the radiator's thickness i.e. 2" thick or 2 5/8" thick. Those Seal Kits that specify A.C., L-82 or Heavy Duty Radiator are usually used with a 2 5/8" thick Radiator. The 2" thick Radiator usually was used on L-48 or non-A.C. models or those without a Heavy Duty Radiator. Since the Radiator in your model may have been replaced with a thicker one or a thinner one -- Please check the thickness of your Radiator's core before ordering to avoid errors.