

74 Greenwood 





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When they stink,
I reply & out them

a Karen
Dishonest Ralphie


1973 Corvette 454 Automatic Spark Control Vacuum Advance Hose Kit Repro Of GM

Price: $21.00
Item Number: 3750353

1973 Corvette 454 Automatic Spark Control Vacuum Advance Hose Kit Repro Of GM
CAVEAT EMPTOR: includes authentic diameter hoses with raised ribs, some also with colored Identification Stripes, plus Y, T or TT pipe hose connectors as required & a Schematic Diagram for easy hook-up. Made in USA; not soft smelly imported replacements.

 Part #
List $
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 DocR  3750353
 zip  ZVA316 23.99
2.99 more expensive
303539 24.90
3.90 more expensive

CONNECTS: the following: Distributor Vacuum Advance Control; Steel Vacuum Advance Tubing, Carburetor, Choke Vacuum Control, Carb Spark Control Solenoid, Idle Control Solenoid & Smog Pump as required. View More Images (see above) and see some of the GM blueprints we used for hoses. What reference do you think zip used?

GM invented the Corvette, but you had to buy a Corvette to get these hoses. GM never sold a SPARK HOSE KIT or anything remotely like it. The SPARK HOSE KIT is a marketing concept I developed and researched to determine what hoses, sizes, lengths & fittings were required for the various different Corvette models. I also authored the various labels with a schematic illustration & the copy describing the contents.

What did David Walker & zip do? That lazy SOB merely copied our kits, the contents & even our advertising copy. Now he has his lap dog (look up the definition) Justin Abbott  blather how they independently developed this idea. What a crock of hooey. They are so full of it, they would need a laxative to come up with an original idea. Take a good look at the bag of hoses they distribute. It has a mailing address type 1/2" x 3" label stuck that is stuck on the outside of the plastic bag with their part number & the name of the kit. Good luck figuring out the contents. The jokes on you as they laugh all the way to the bank. When you purchase elsewhere & see that nondescript bag with an address label - you just got the krap distributed to other vendors by zip. They don't even affix their vaunted zip products logo, or name on it. I'd be ashamed to offer such slop also. CAVEAT EMPTOR !

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