

74 Greenwood 





I no longer ship international. Too many foreigners cannot afford the UPS or FedEx shipping rates. If you are in need of some item, have a friend in the USA order it with their credit card & have them ship it to you. 



When they stink,
I reply & out them


Dishonest Ralphie


Important: I haven't finished updating prices and they have gone UP again.
Most everything is higher and not revised yet.
We price competitively - not by a set percent.

No Debit Cards - Visa & MC Credit Cards Only
Buy American  US Shop American
 Say No to Junk chyna Reproductions
Meritrocracy Won
 2 Sexes Won
 Borders Won
Tax Payers Won
 US Citizens Won
 Law and Order Won
Energy Independence Won
Deport Every Illegal

 Donald J. Trump MAGA  J.D. Vance
Exonerate and Free Derek Chauvin
- Best Results - click on the 500+ Categories listed in the Right Column >>
- Search Results are Chronological by Year - Oldest Years First
 - Search the term "COMPARE EM" and avoid the Corvette Tax
- You can Search a GM or DocRebuild Part Number
psssst - you can also search many zyp & Central Part Numbers - no Hyphens

- Do Not enter a Lengthy Phrase in the The Search Box - You Get No Results
- If you use the Search Box - Enter 1 to 2 Terms - No Sentences
- Do Not Search Using C1 C2 C3 - they are useless terms
- If you Spell a word Incorrectly - Nothing Comes Up
Overstock Sale below - click on a Picture
Please READ this Few Sentences - Thank You
This web store with shopping cart software supersedes all prior paper catalogs or web pages from our old web site with regard to prices, description or policies.
Please do compare our products. We provide complete and clear product descriptions with all the material and contents listed. Other products bearing similar name's does not guarantee they have anything in common with these offerings. We're clear and transparent with what we include, and where we get it and set the standard for excellence in domestic Corvette reproductions as well as integrity.
We develop & market quality replacement parts using original samples, genuine blueprints and modern material and methods. That's the simple reason our reproductions have been mimicked by zip and many cheap import knock-off's. No t-shirts. No hats. No bling. No pink Swiss army knives. No phony zip ever; None of that deception.
Not everything in our old paper catalogs is carried anymore. We've weeded out the invasive unreliable asian imports from Tom Keen and Brian Tilles that merely look pretty good, but are short lived annuals, not perennials. Keen never stood behind the china repro's he sold to us. And Tilles did the same. Caveat Emptor. Merchants of chyna crap.
Reading as well as comprehension is required to order here. There is a plethora of information offered here. If I've described it and the info is here on this web site - it will not be repeated again in any private email to anybody. My time is short and busy. Use the Search Box or better yet the Categories listed in the Right column.
Our email DocRebuild @ as well as (203) 366-1332 are only answered between 10 AM to 8 PM EST. No 24/7 and No concierge here. If you are in a rush - please use the back button - in old age rush is not part of my vocabulary. We cancelled our former 800 phone number and the Fax number. Do not call our old 800 number - a chinese scammer has taken over that number - they will take your credit card and you will loose your money.
Please do not order using your smart phone - because few will read the complete description of what they are ordering - even if its only 2-3 sentences on those itzsy bitzsy teenie tiny screens. This is not pictionary. Please don't whine afterwards because you did nor read the complete description.
No 3rd Party Shipping on First Time Credit Card Users. NO Exceptions - DON'T ASK. This means we only ship to the credit card billing address for your first order - not to a different shipping address.
We DO NOT market or guarantee parts for any model other than Corvette. DocRebuild has manufactured quality 1953-1982 Corvette replacement parts since 1979 - that is 45 Years Strong.
If you cannot complete a sentence repeating the term correct, correct - perhaps seeking original parts is your best choice.
There is no NCRS guarantee expressed or implied. If I cannot guarantee it - I won't sell it. We have a garage full of real Corvettes with a warehouse full of Corvette parts; not a virtual warehouse on a hard drive.
Doc knows Olde Corvettes. His garage and Corvettes are below. 

How is that short lived china crap working out for you ?
Junk Switches: Power Antenna. Power Window, Headlamp, Wiper, Heater
Headlamp On Off; Headlamp Motors; Chrome Grills; Junk Stinky Rubber; Weatherstrip


Today's Specials - Beat the Prices USA

Price: $0.00
1999 Corvette
Price: $24,750.00
1999 Corvette
A Samuel the mule & Samson
Price: $999,999.99
A Samuel the mule & Samson
My 1956 Corvette 2x4
Price: $85,000.00
My 1956 Corvette 2x4
My 1963 Corvette F.I.
Price: $200,000.00
My 1963 Corvette F.I.
My 1967 Corvette 390 AC AT
Price: $150,000.00
My 1967 Corvette 390 AC AT
Make America Great Again and Safe Again
Congratulations & GOD Bless and Protect President TRUMP
TRUMP: I'm a Proud Virulent Deplorable Despicable Dreg of Society - a Proud Piece of MAGA Garbage.
 We Stand for the National Anthem and Kneel for the Cross.
DRUGS: My cousin Stephen Michael Lynch - a VietNam 101st Airborne Grunt with a Purple Heart Award had his leg blown off by an RPG. At the Valley Forge, PA VA Hospital he was addicted to Morphine. Thereafter he was addicted to opiates for decades. Steve finally OD'ed on heroin from mexico and fentanyl from china June 14, 2014 RIP on N0bama's command. Close the border.

ILLEGALS: Deport EVERY last Illegal. Build the Wall and Crime will Fall. End DACA, Chain and Diversity Migration Deport Terrorist Families. Do not permit Dual Citizenship. You owe your allegiance to the USA - or go elsewhere.

POLITICIANS: Research you favorite Pontificating Professional Politician. Few have any experience in any real job - other than collecting a government pay check. Make them Get a Real Job. They Support illegals, Sanctuary Cities, Drug Gangs, Pedophiles, even MS13 by Beign Neglect. They don't GAS about US citizens. They are the Best Evidence for Term Limits

DEFEAT: Blumental, Murphy, Pelosi, Shumer, Schiff, Hoyer, Durbin, Delauro, Himes, Pochahantus, Graham, Raskin, Harris, Booker, Malloy, Romney, etc.

SWAMP: the Deep State Old Guard Federal Government is Dirty. The FBI, DOJ, DHS, NSA, IRS, CIA, EPA, CDC are Corrupted. That includes most all of Congress. The make up phony stories of Russian collusion. Who approved the sale of 20% of US Uranium Ore to Russia? obama and clinton. Billary got $500,000.  The clinton Foundation got $145,000,000 Why did china give $10,000,000 to the Bidens? Why did ukraine give $5,000,000 to the Bidens? Execute Traitors - Like the Rosenbergs were dealt.

Security Staff
From a litter of Puppies rescued in November 2015 from an Alabama Walmart parking lot - thereafter somehow Sams'son ends up with a woman bringing a trailer full of dogs to Connecticut - selling them on Craigslist. Previously banned from Connecticut, the 30+ dogs are confiscated and turned over to the local Animal Control. We adopted Sams'son, and previously adopted Sam and now they have their forever homes. It breaks my heart, we have buried five other dogs here.

Sams'son was about 10 months old and spent so much of his life caged that he could barely walk and was terrified. However our older Sam began to teach him everything and in the about 6 weeks he has learned to run free, use stairs and sleep in his own soft bed. He was still terrified of sudden moves or loud noises, but we're working on it.
Below: Sam Senior on the left; Sams'son on the right.

     It's hard getting anything done around here.


it really is oOSOEZ

Ken I cannot log on
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