

74 Greenwood 





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When they stink,
I reply & out them

a Karen
Dishonest Ralphie


1956-1967 Corvette Weatherstrip Push In Fastener Genuine GM 4653672

Price: $6.00
Item Number: 8995420

1956-1967 Corvette Weatherstrip Push In Fastener Genuine GM 4653672 NOS
CAVEAT EMPTOR: These are the real deal Black domed metal special push in fasteners used on a variety of Corvette Weatherstrips. Discontinued now, these are in very Limited Supply. Photo may show multiple pieces, however the unit of sale is one piece.

USE as required:
  - 1956-1958 Door Main Weatherstrip each use 9 pieces or 18 per Corvette.
  - 1956-1962 Door Auxiliary Weatherstrip each use 2 pieces or 4 per Corvette.
  - 1958-1960 Hardtop Rear Bow Weatherstrip each use 3 pieces per Corvette. 
  - 1963-1967 Convertible Header End Weatherstrip use 3 pieces or 6 per Corvette.
  - 1967 Corvette Auxiliary "L" shaped Weatherstrip use 4 pieces or 8 per Corvette.

1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967
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